Scripture Reading - Isaiah 59:19

So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in, like a flood the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him. KJV

We are sharing this verse today at the request of Sister Joyce because she likes it. The original Hebraic writings of the Old Testament didn’t have the punctuation marks, the punctuation marks where added during the translation. If we move the comma after flood back to come in, this passage reads differently because the power of the flood is attributed to God, which means the same power is working for you instead of against you. One might ask how is this flood release on our behalf to wash away the enemy? By your obedience to do God’s Word in deed and truth, which simply means in action and in words. Your actions when Godly (doing what is right) are headed in the right direction of God against the enemy, but by speaking, singing and proclaiming boldly the promises of God that apply to your specific situation you concentrate His Power unto specific mountains in your life. His Power against any mountain will cause the mountain to be removed in the Name of Jesus. It is up to us to release God’s Power, after that we must remain patience and steadfast until the work of God is finished. Remember according to John 7:38 out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water, therefore you have the God given potential to initiate Godly floods to washout the works of the enemy in your life. This is one part of God’s Abundant Life package for your life, it quenches Satan’s fires and leaves the ground so wet that he can not start another fire until that ground dries out from the flood. Which won't happen as long as we keep speaking God's Word. Amen!